
If i can play instrument

Is is very pity that when i was young, i did not learn any instrument; therefore, i have not any experienment about music. However, if i can pick anyone of those that i can play, i definitely choose to play the piano. As far as i considered, piano is the most graceful and fantastic musical instrument. Always, when people play the piano to the party as performance, they revealed their civilizaions and charisma; and i will image that if i was he, how amazing it will be. Additionly, i like piano music very much which is very gentle and pleasant; everytime i feel frustration or upset, i will calm down when i listening to piano music. So, that is the reasons why i choose to play the piano.

4 条评论:

  1. Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for a thoughtful first post! Please change all of the language settings to be in English only. Also, here is a list of your classmates' blog addresses. Be sure to leave one or two comments before class tomorrow.

    Enrico enricoico.blogspot.com
    Michael michaelyang107.blogspot.com
    Echo fano0solo.blogspot.com
    Daniel Danielz89.blogspot.com
    Kevin cj_kevin.blogspot.com
    Ye wangyeer.blogspot.com
    Fan fan0219.blogspot.com
    Loyal loyalspacehere.blogspot.com
    Amina lina6006.blogspot.com
    Serena sweet2010.blogspto.com
    Chen yigehaonanhai.blogspot.com
    Mendy esl-web-log.blogspot.com
    Rosa rosaseminarclass.blogspot..com

  2. I played the piano when I was 5 since when I was 9 or 10 years old. I think that is the best and the more complete instrument that allow you to understand all the others intrument too. Nice Choose!

  3. i think you can apply for piano lessons at the university, found it out

  4. I also like piano if I needn't to practice everyday,haha,I'm joking.Of course I cannot play it,too.
    I'm absolutly agree with u that the man who can play piano very well looks so cool.But that's should be practice continuously as well.

    By the way,I'm sorry to tell u that I changed my blog address,the new is : loyalspacehere-loyal.blogspot.com
    And welcome,Kevin~
